freelancing info
Any and all business enquiries or questions should be directed to:
I have a limited amount of time in my week for freelancing outside of my day job, and am likely only to take jobs I'm very interested in. If I turn you down, pleast don't take it personally! My fees are based on nearly a decade of work within the videogames and ttrpg industry, but can be negotiated based on project budget and other factors.
Generally speaking, I'm available for game design, writing, editing and layout for tabletop RPGs. For videogames, I'm available for level design, writing, and game design (though I will note up front that I am not a technical designer; I'll write you as many design documents as you want, but do not ask me to script anything).
Typically, I charge for my services by the hour, but other arrangements (like per/word or per/page payments for writing and layout, etc) can be discussed.